Donations are a very personal and heartfelt expression of one's support for a cause. In addition, people donate to support those causes in different ways. We want you to know that whatever way you choose to support the Kyla McCullough Gift Fund, we appreciate every donation because we know that it is an expression of your support. Listed below are a few ways that you can donate to the Kyla McCullough Gift Fund.
One way that the Kyla McCullough Gift Fund raises funds to support it's mission are through auctions. We rely heavily on the support of the community to donate items, gift certificates, and services that can be sold through the auctions we hold throughout the year. If you would like to make this type of donation to us, please email us at
Donate Funds By Sending A Check
If you wish to make a donation by check to the Kyla McCullough Gift Fund, please make your check out to the Kyla McCullough Gift Fund and mail your donation to:
Kyla McCullough Gift Fund
P.O. Box 906
Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Donate Funds Electronically
At the Kyla McCullough Gift Fund, we use PayPal to accept web-based electronic donations from our supporters. PayPal is an industry-leading service that allows members to send money without sharing financial information, with the flexibility to pay using their PayPal account balances, bank accounts, or credit cards. An additional benefit of using PayPal is that if you wish to donate via credit card, it is not even required that you have a PayPal account.
To make a web-based donation at this time, please press the Donate button below. This will transfer you to PayPal's website, where they will ask you for your payment information.
Who Benefits When You Donate?

You do! When you donate to the Kyla McCullough Gift Fund, your donation is qualified for an immediate federal income tax deduction up to the maximum allowed by the law. In response to your gift, you will receive a statement that details your gift and that you can save for your tax records. It is your responsibility to discuss your potential donation you are considering with your tax advisor to see how it would impact your tax situation.
Most importantly, when you contribute to the Kyla McCullough Gift Fund, local children who are dealing with the reality of cancer in their lives will benefit.