Who is Kyla McCullough?

As parents, we have been blessed with three daughters...the oldest of which, Kyla-Elizabeth, was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor on June 20th, 2005. She passed away seven weeks later on August 8th, 2005. She was a vibrant and intelligent 7-year old first grader with her whole life ahead of her. We noticed a slight limp in her left leg two weeks before she was diagnosed, but it didn't become apparent that something was truly wrong until the day before we got the news that our life was forever changed. Kyla is our inspiration for this new endeavor in our life...she taught us to live life every day as if it is our last.
In an attempt to give you a glimpse of who Kyla is, we have included the following text, which was read at Kyla's memorial:
Kyla-Elizabeth McCullough will be missed by many here. As her parents, we are so proud of her in so many ways. We feel so blessed to have had her in our lives to experience so many memories with her. Kyla lived life hard, laughed hard, cried hard, loved hard. She constantly picked words apart in attempts to master their spelling, had a love for the water, a love and respect for animals of all kinds, an ability to comfort someone in need, a wonderful vocabulary, math skills beyond the average second grader, a love for her sisters and an appreciation for the "big sister" role, always showed her parents the way, was the center of attention in all situations without trying to be, had a hunger for opera and broadway shows, a great sense of humor, a beautiful singing voice, a steady hand for her art, possessed the magic to become anyone's friend, always accomplished the task at hand, and carried a striking beauty that captured anyone who first saw her. Her spirit has always been strong, and has always been stubborn. This is precisely why she could endure such a sickness. She went through each day with her usual grace and never saw it as something that was going to beat her. In the end the tumor died...it will not grow and cause pain ever again. However, Kyla still lives on and is experiencing eternal life. Congratulations Kyla, you've won!
Earthly: November 22nd, 1997 - August 8th, 2005
Heavenly: August 8th, 2005 - Eternity
Video of Kyla
We thought we would share some videos with all of you so that you could get a chance to know Kyla.
The video below was shared at our 2010 Annual Benefit Dinner & Auction.
The video below was shared at our 2012 Annual Benefit Dinner & Auction.
Reflections From Others
Dear Kyla, You may not know me, but I know about you. You're courageous, joyful, beautiful, and smart. You have not only reached out to my heart, but to many others too. I will always know now not to be afraid of following my dreams and being strong. I will always look up to you, even though your younger then me. And I will always remember you for the beautiful girl, that I wished I met. But I know I will someday, in heaven, and I will give you a big hug and say "thank you". - Family friend, Lauryn Freimark