2012 Kyla McCullough Memorial Neuro-Oncology Lectureship

One of the ways in which our organization is trying to contribute to the cause of defeating children's cancer is by promoting the spread of information in the area of Pecidatric Oncology. One such opportunity arose on January 31st, 2012 when our organization had the honor of sponsoring a lecture as part of the Knight Cancer Institute Seminar Series at Oregon Health & Science University. The lecture was opened by Dr. Charles Keller (Keller Lab, OHSU), followed by an introduction by Dr. Kellie Nazemi (Director of Pediatric Neuro-Oncology, OHSU), and lastly featuring the guest speaker, Dr. Mark Kieran (Director of Pediatric Medical Neuro-Oncology, Boston Children's Hospital). During the lecture, Dr. Kieran presented his findings with regard to Metronomic Based Anti-Angiogenic Therapy.

Please take a minute to view the footage from the lecture below. If you're having difficulties viewing the video below, please try viewing the video directly from the OHSU website.